Monday, October 13, 2008

Ephemeral Scientific theories

As the science and technology is advancing, its belittling the old traditional theories. The pace at which these new theories are replacing the passe scientific theories, which were once considered well established, compels us to look the existent theories with skepticism. There are many reason to believe so.

First and foremost is some of the basic theories which were once seems to be completely obvious and logical, has been consistently proven to be wrong. For instance, the Newtons law of gravitation. It was perhaps impeccable in its time. The falling of the apple was completely defined by the attraction of earth. He gave the formula which was defining all the forces that can exist between the mass, completely unassailable. But as soon Enstien put his revolutionary theory and redefined the gravitation as mere curve in space time co-ordinate. The Newton's theory was discarded in no time. There are many such numerous examples.

The problem invariably lies in assumption which scientist take while defining this theory. While this assumptions seems to be empirically flawless, they are never proven abstractly. This preconceived and prejudiced notion and axioms are progenitor of the errors.

There is one more aspect to this. Skepticism itself is fundamental of the scientific developments. In fact skepticism has beget all the new theories. Skepticism is partisan for scientist that they are curious about the specific field. The only logical conclusion can be scientific fraternity should see each and every pre-existing theories with absolute skepticism and they should not take any of fact as granted.

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