Friday, November 7, 2008

team work

Pessimist have always touted the individual working alone produce better result than a group working. However, the close examination of the issue reveals that although individual work offer few apparent advantages but the team work have many advantages over the individual working alone and thus the team of work has been developed to be state of art in most of the professional world.

First and foremost, team work produce the faster result. It is obvious that a time taken to complete a work by two person will be in most cases less than time take to complete it by a single person. Though might not be mathematically exact, that is it is not necessary the time taken would by former exactly half of that taken by later. But this depend entirely upon the kind of the work. This is reason when the projected is needed to be completely before schedule the work force is increased.

Further the team work produce better result than that done by individual. The reason behind this is. When a work is done by two person then there is two perspective are involved in it. This facilitates the kind of constructive feedback(negative feedback technically speaking) in the whole system. In this system each one as a monitoring system for the others work and feedback are continually pitched in the system. This reduces the possibility of the error to be introduced into the work and thus a better quality is introduced. For instance, most of the project now a days have a separate designer and a separate reviewer for the work. Thus reviewer can check those things which a designer have never thought of or purposely ignored.

But beyond the faster execution of the work and better result, the bottom line advantage of the team work is the symbiotic relationship, in terms of the thinking process and ideas, that develops between the individual of a team. When two individual work in a team the idea put by one individual work as foundation the other individual can build on that initial idea. He can produce his new idea this will generate the other new idea by the first individual and he then put forward improvement and so on. This develop a kind a positive feedback. This is precise reason why in teams the occurrence of deadlock in terms of creative ideas is much more less evident than when worker work individual.

Additionally, the team work produce a healthy competition among individual which in most of cases are advantageous for firm. When individuals compete with each other there is more pressure on them to perform better.

While it may be now clear the advantages of team work is tantamountous, the team work has proven to be symbiotic. There are although some inherent disadvantages of the team work like conflict among team member. But considering team work advantages those disadvantages are minuscule.

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