Sunday, November 9, 2008


The proponents of the classical education have long touted the role of educator must be the inassilable and they must decide the curriculum. However, closer examination of the modern requirement reveals that the statement have nearly lost meaning in present scenario. The student must be the primary vehicle who should make the educated decision on the content and context of the studies. The role of educator must be here should be limited to guide who help the student to make such pertinent decision.

First and foremost, with rapid changing of the vigrant scenario of the modern world, the content of the education need to change not intermittently but frequently which begets the need of constant monitoring. The fundamental of the education always remains the same, and they will be always be premogeniture of any course. But the practical application need to be change continuously. Usually student more actively aware of the changing world than the professor, who are in most case ''like frog of well" unware of the development outside. Thus student are the in most case in better position to make such vital decisions. For intance, take the example of the computer science, its techonoly is changing at so much furious pace that its impluasible for educationist to track it. In most of the cases the ebullient students are better aware of the development going on, like new software or new innovate algorithm.

Further the student should be given choice as it is his career the institution is helping him to make. The career is something that will decide his future. Thus any of the rational theory will give not only a option but also a right to chose his future. Hence its not the job of the educationist to decide the future of a student. Educationist can play a role of a guide. In case a student is not experienced enough or mature enough he can make some of the decesion for him. But once a student is mature enough to make his own choice its his buisness to mind his choices. There is one more aspect to this. The sense of the responsiblity of making his own decision put an extra effort. This extra effort is vital for futher intelectually development of the child.

But beyond the curriculum upgradation and right to make choice, the bottomline issue is "what is the primary goal of any educational institution?". Its precisely to educate the student. Thus student is pith of this system, and the core of institution is not to propiate the educationist. In other world all functioning of institution must be decided by taking in consideration the necessity of student. The student here is person who know his need better than any one else , therefore one should respect his decision in case of the curriculum.

Beside the most educationist is bit of more patronize in thinking. This hamper the institution and to the student career finally. For instance, a science professor will always wants to keep his favourate subject in the curriculum. Thus its kind of bulldozing your preference to other. Furher the educationist are in most of the case proselytize to one of the doctrine. They try to proselytize the student in further. This always has hampering effect in student's mental development as it may try to make other prespective nebulous thus exposing him to only one side of the story.

While it becomes clear that the curriculum must be decided by the students, it is apparent the role of educationist as guide is also of utmost importance. Actually this system of decision based on the active feedbacks, makes system for animated and leaves very little room for the any curriculum to become luguburious.

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